On wednesday, Ta and umi visited me at home. It was a surprise visit. Cant explain in words how much happy I was. They did iftari with my family. Everyone at home was so excited to have them there. Even my father talked to them more than an hour. Dont know what they talked about, i was actually busy in Iftari prepation. They actually came to say good bye to my family, not me :) . So I visited them on thursday. We spent whole day together after a long time. They showed me their stuff which they were taking with them. I love their overcoats and long shoes. We talked alot, laughed alot on tiny things and also cried alot. Their moms were really upset. My mother and I consoled them alot. As both of my friends dont have brothers and they were running their homes like real daughters (I wont say like sons. Daughters can do more than a son can). So I assured them that I will be available for them for any type of help and I will inshaAllah mean it.
And finally we said good bye to each other for two years. They have taken alot of promises from me. The most important was that I would keep them as my best friends forever even having new friends and that I would join them next year. I dont know what lies in my future but I have promised them. I hope all good would happen in future. Ameen. My best wishes are with them. I hope this journey of two years would pass soon and they would rejoin us safe and sound. And their sacrifices would bear a very sweet fruit for them. Ameen.
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