Friday, November 2, 2012


Suddenly I am getting extremely bored of my blog. It sucks, literally sucks. I just want to delete it right away. Wait a minute, is this blog really boring? are my writings tedious? or actually my life is numbing? I think the last one suffices my situation (though dont deny the first two options too). I want to erase everything I have done, spoken and listened in my whole life. I want to be a new born baby. A cuddling baby, who has no worries and pains. A baby who just starts walking and needs someone to be always with. If all this is not possible, then please someone could teach me the magic to disappear from the public! I want to be in people, but unnoticed and unseen. Is there any art to live in this world without being seen? You could see yourself, I already have so many questions to others and to myself, how could I answer your millions of questions? No one is giving me answers, then why should I answer you? And people insist on answers. To question is your right, but to answer is my right. I respect their right by listening their questions, why don't people respect my right by not asking for definite answers? If a life can be in black and white, why can't a mere answer be in b&w?

Next time when (if) you stop by, you might not see this blog. I am a moody person and who knows what mood I would be in next time!


Bari Ammi

November 15 used to be her birthday. I missed my loving nani terribly today. Visited her today and left roses by her side. It was all quite...