Friday, August 28, 2009

Is crying a crime?

These days, I am going through an emotional trauma and the advice that I receive instead of a consolation; “Don’t cry!! cowards cry like that”. I am surrounded by those 'love ones' who keep pushing me hard not to cry as crying is a cowardly act. The question that remains glued to me why it is considered a cowardly act to cry in front of people. Why our society does not allow us even to shed mere tears? Why is crying a stigma? Is this societal notion correct?

I would strong disagree with if some one considers crying alone or in front of anyone wrong. I cry when I feel alone, sad, depressed, frustrated, angry and even extremely happy. Yes I do cry when I get excited. Even when I laugh from my heart, my eyes fill with tears. Why? Because on such moments I don’t have words to express my emotions while my tears do that for me. Isn’t it easy? What’s harm in it? People can easily understand through your tears what you are failed to tell them. Crying is catharsis for me. I feel afresh after crying like you wake up after a peaceful 8 hours’ sleep. I have been doing that (crying in sad and happy moods) since long. People are used to say about me that my tears are ever ready on my lashes and they take no time in coming down.

There are some studies and research telling how crying can be a healthy for us. Crying provides hydration and lubrication, kills bacteria, removes toxins, and elevates mood through the effect on chemicals in the brain. Emotionally, crying relieves stress, builds community with others, and releases feelings. (

It is a widespread belief that crying is therapeutic and.... failure to cry is a danger to our health. There are three kinds of tears distinguished (from a biological perspective) according to EmotionalProcessing.Org:

Who the hell has named crying a coward act? I would like meeting that bastard who had no emotions and feelings. Even Terminator got emotional in his films and we are mere human beings. We are built of emotions and feelings.

I often hear that men do not cry. Why? Because crying is a symbol of weakness. Is it really strength not to express our feelings? I bet no one can express their feelings properly when they are emotional. But the teary eyes tell a lot more with touch of sincerity and sympathy. Experiencing the feelings after a good cry, I can also bet that men do want to cry some times. If they don’t want, they should try it once.

Crying in front of people is not an ordinary thing. It needs courage and audacity to cry. It is an outward sign of how we feel and that we can also feel for ourselves and for others. I can cry every where and in front of anyone, in the street, in the meeting room, in restaurants, in cafeteria, at home, in front of my family and friends and even in front of my colleagues. I dont feel any embarrassment in crying. I prefer to cry in presence of someone because there should be some one to wipe out your tears. Crying alone and wiping out your tears all alone is meant to increase depression and frustration.

Crying is not a crime. It’s a human act and I don’t see any harm in being human.

Cuto baby! no one can look such adorable while crying :)

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